On a "Stable Disequilibrium",
Global Housing and Comparing Diets-Part I !
The well known fund manager PIMCO holds an annual “secular forum” where
they invite a group of distinguished outside guests which include
investors, economists and policy makers, to discuss the outlook for the
global economy and markets over the next three to five years and their
implications for investment portfolios. The basic theme this year was that of
the “new normal” (i.e. low growth in the developed world) morphing into a
“stable disequilibrium” entailing very diverse outcomes for the
global economy. http://www.pimco.com/EN/Insights/Pages/Secular-Outlook-El-Erian-2013.aspx.
To summarise:
-We are witnessing the emergence of a “three-speed world” (as
described by Christine Lagarde of the IMF), with the fast-growing emerging
countries (led by China) continuing to be the engine of growth for the global
economy, while Europe and Japan act as a drag on global
growth, and the U.S. economy slowly healing in the middle.
-Hyperactive central banks have pursued unconventional policies to support
growth and counter financial instability, providing investors with a down
payment on future growth and returns by elevating market prices. If this growth
fails to materialize, investors are in for a rude awakening .
-Central bank actions have helped the banking sector ( in the U.S.)
clean-up balance sheets, raise capital and realign their business models,
while in Europe this process still lies ahead for most of the banks,
though the ECB (importantly) has removed the tail risk.
-Large companies have remained cautious and focussed on cost control, while
small companies have struggled to get access to credit, maintain revenue
growth, profitability and balance sheet strength.
-Households in the emerging world have benefited enormously from the high
growth rates and millions have been pulled out of poverty (particularly in
China). However, their counterparts in the developed world have
fared less well, with only the rich and educated classes experiencing income
growth while the middle-class and the lower-income households have struggled
with the lack of jobs and dwindling savings.
-While the current situation may feel somewhat stable, the potential for
significant turbulence remains (i.e. “stable disequilibrium”) with two possible
eventual outcomes: (i) a slowly healing developed world and political renewal
leading to high sustainable and inclusive growth which can accommodate
safe deleveraging in the West and lessen systemic risk in the emerging world;
or (ii) even lower growth leading to debt traps, financial instability
and social tensions. In the interim, the slow growing economies facing an
increase risk of “zombification”.
-Growth is critical to prevent adverse outcomes – for the slow
growing economies to overcome their current malaise, as well for
the fast growing economies to manage their rebalancing efforts. Higher
growth would also benefit investors by validating
currently elevated market prices and allow them to avoid deep
haircuts on their portfolios in a variety of forms (inflation, financial
repression, debt restructuring).
-Countries which are closest to reaching this “T” junction between two very
contrasting outcomes are in peripheral Europe with their dismal growth, high
unemployment and debt problems, followed by Japan which has employed a historical
high-risk/high-return strategy, then by France, India and the U.K., and finally
the U.S., Brazil, China and Germany.
-Growth models across countries need to evolve – in the developed world,
countries need to revive their engines of job and income generation – while
China needs to transform its economy from export-led to consumption-led growth.
-Central banks around the world will be compelled to follow the
Fed in terms of more aggressive the creative policies targeting
jobs and growth. These could range from supporting SMEs, buying a broader
variety of assets, and acting more like fiscal (rather than purely
monetary) agents. This will continue to be beneficial to markets, though the
process will not be smooth as the polices are likely to be of a
“stop-and-go” nature (particularly in Europe).
-Unless there is a growth renaissance, haircuts on investor capital will
increase over the next 3 to 5 years in a variety of forms like inflation,
currency depreciation and debt restructuring. Financial repression is set
to continue and parts of Europe are likely to see more debt
restructurings and confiscations.
-Social issues will play an increasingly important role in determining the
medium-term outlook, particularly in the West. While well-developed
welfare systems and initial high levels of wealth have allowed some European
countries to withstand the high levels of unemployment and collapse in GDPs,
discontent against incumbent parties is rising and Europe faces
crucial elections this year (Germany) and the next (European
-While the macro picture has embedded in it several game-changing risk
factors, sector stories like the shale gas revolution, digitalization and 3-D
printing provide exciting investable opportunities which can be
Macro outlook:
-In Europe, the collapse of the single currency remains a possibility but a
less likely one – while the growing risk of “zombification” coupled with debt
restructurings remain a threat.
-The U.S. will continue to heal but at an anaemic pace of about 2%, with
growing concerns about the negative structural impact on potential long-term
-Japan, after an initial growth surge, will face challenges about
structural reform to make it sustainable and a growing backlash from the
global community about its policies.
-China will maintain an average growth rate of 6-7.5%, with a gradual
rebalancing of the economy and the financial system.
-Inflation is a close call – with a supply shock, lower growth
potential and currency debasements increasing the risk while the large output
gap, deleveraging, weak demand and fiscal contraction diminishing the risk.
Investment implications:
-With asset prices being disconnected from fundamentals, and absent an
upward move in growth, it is advisable to reduce exposure (and take gains) with
the riskiest parts of the portfolio – whether sovereign or corporate.
-Look for specific global sectoral opportunities outside the central bank supported
asset space and resist the temptation to follow financial pundits who advocate
buying expensive assets which are “relatively” cheap to other expensive assets.
-Keep liquidity, as retaining the optionality is important in a
world which could face adverse outcomes. For example, the European banks will
eventually be forced to go through a process of good asset sales and capital
-Diversification, while necessary, may not be sufficient to protect against
adverse tail risk events which need to be hedged.
-Assets may hit serious air-pockets going forward if the future
growth and returns embedded in prices are not realised – so a focus on
alpha returns (asset specific) rather than beta (macro) would be more
A comprehensive analysis which lays out a useful
framework to help position and rebalance portfolios. Central bank activism has
been, and is likely to continue to be, the key factor driving global markets
for the next 12-18 months. With the Fed leading the charge in terms of
innovative and aggressive policies, it is not surprising that the U.S. markets
have significantly outperformed Europe and EM over the last 12 months.
However, this is likely to change going forward as the U.S. delivers less
growth than currently anticipated, with the ongoing fiscal contraction and the
possibility of tapering the QE program. In contrast, Europe is likely to see a
more active role played by the ECB in promoting growth and jobs which should
lead to superior market performance, particularly given the undervaluation of
markets. EM central banks are also likely to implement more aggressive
stimulative policies (particularly in China & India) to keep growth
ticking while they implement a more domestic focussed rebalancing of
their economies.
In terms of portfolio specifics, it would be
prudent to gradually reduce the overall weighting to the U.S. market, and
increase weightings to Europe and EM and Japan. Peripheral European markets,
China and India offer particularly attractive entry levels. The main risk
going forward to markets continues to be the unintended consequences of
tightening monetary policies by global central banks – an event currently
expected to be mid-2015 at the earliest, until when the Fed is expected
to keep its zero interest rate policy.
Global Housing index:
The Economist published their quarterly global
housing index update and the table is presented below. It should be of no
surprise to see Hong Kong at the top of the list for all three categories-
having experienced the highest price rise over the last year (24.5%!) , the
highest rise since Q4 2007 (109.4%!) and the most expensive in terms of current
prices to the long term averages of rents. India is number two on the list in
terms of price increases since Q4 2007 (88%) with Singapore third at 24.8%. As
is usually the case in all markets (eventually!), one can expect a
reversal of the rankings over the coming years.
Comparing Diets-Part I:
To follow-up on my earlier serialisation of a landmark research note
written by Nathan Pritkin in 1976, arguing that a high carbohydrate diet/
low animal protein resulted in a lower incidence of the three major chronic
diseases (heart disease, cancer and diabetes) in a variety of
indigenous cultures around and world and medical studies conducted in
various U.S. universities, I present a serialisation of an article written by a
noted proponent of a plant-based diet - Dr. John McDougall - which
compares the diets (and incidence of various diseases) of different cultures
around the world, incorporating both low carb/high animal protein and high
carb/low animal protein diets, before the advent of the globalization of the
western diet.
-A study conducted in the 1920s on the normadic Kirghiz and
Dzungarian plainsmen in Central Asia, showed that they consumed
large quantities of organic pasture raised fermented mare’s milk
and meat per day. These nomads experienced a high incidence of
obesity, premature atherosclerosis, contracted kidney, gout, nervous disorders
and apoplexy. Even modern day Mongols, who are still largely
nomadic and consume a diet rich in organic pasture raised animal foods , have
high rates of obesity, cardiovascular disease and cancer
-A study conducted in 1916, observed that native Javanese who consumed
their staple diet which was mainly vegetarian with rice as the staple, had very
low cholesterol levels and incidence of heart disease. However, the their
Javanese counterparts who worked on Dutch passenger ships and consumed the
traditional cholesterol and fat laden diet, had much higher cholesterol
levels and incidence of heart disease.
-The first ever feeding experiment in relation to cholesterol levels
was conducted in 1922, showed that a small group of Javanese natives
experienced a 40mg increase in cholesterol levels when they were shifted from
their traditional diet to a 6-week regimen high in meat, butter and eggs.
-During the same period, a review of 10 years of hospital admissions
in Indonesian hospitals, with thousands of cases, showed only 5 cases of
gallbladder disease and 1 surgery and zero cases of arterial blood
clotting. Earlier doctors practicing in Indonesia also reported the
extreme rarity of cancer.
To be continued!
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